
All About 10DLC Compliance

Written by Steve Johnson | Nov 20, 2023 7:25:00 AM

When you utilize SMS messaging, A2P 10DLC compliance is key for the success of any campaign- and there are some changes taking place you will need to be aware of. 

Mobile carriers have created a new registration process for businesses using 10DLC for A2P messaging-  requiring all 10DLC phone numbers used to send SMS messages to U.S. phone numbers to be fully registered to an approved campaign by August 31, 2023. 

But, don’t panic! In this article, we’ll walk you through exactly what those terms mean, how they apply to your business text messaging, and where you can complete your registration. 

What is 10DLC?

10DLC stands for “ten-digit long code,” which describes local numbers, the most commonly used phone number for sending SMS. 10DLC is the new standard for A2P (application-to-peer) text messaging. Unlike toll-free numbers, 10DLC supports both transactional and promotional messaging, and can include any US area code.

Under the new A2P 10DLC system, all 10DLC phone numbers used to send SMS messages to U.S. phone numbers to be fully registered to an approved campaign by August 31, 2023. 

There are two important requirements being addressed with this change:

  1. Businesses must identify who they are to the carrier networks (Brand registration).
  2. Businesses must register what type of messages they are sending, i.e. notifications (Campaign registration). 

❗Keep things running smoothly! To avoid any interruption, it’s important to register your 10DLC numbers and campaigns, and make sure your compliance is all set.

Why this is happening: 

10DLC registration will give your messages higher throughput, decrease spam and increase deliverability. That means more messages delivered faster. Which is a good thing for you and your customers!

What is The Campaign Registry?

For many years, cell phone users received loads of spam texts to their devices, from scams to advertisements. It was a nightmare! After consumers issued complaints, the American government declared that cell phone carriers like Verizon and AT&T are liable for any unwarranted and unwanted messages on their network. To protect themselves from litigation, those cell phone carriers introduced new requirements, and created the 10DLC and The Campaign Registry to enforce requirements on those using local phone numbers. The Campaign Registry verifies and monitors companies that use A2P 10DLC to message customers to ensure they comply with their rules. 

A2P 10DLC Compliance 101:

Compliance is the most complex part of a text messaging strategy. From verification, opt-ins and opt-outs, and more- this process can get confusing. So, let’s uncomplicate it!

Here are the basics of compliance you need to know in order to achieve successful campaigns.

Register phone numbers with The Campaign Registry

Fill out the form on the Campaign Registry site using  a phone number. If it’s a ten-digit number with a local area code in the United States, it must be verified. Local numbers go through The Campaign Registry’s 10DLC certification process within a few days.

Register campaigns with The Campaign Registry 

Identify who is getting the texts you’re sending and why. Filling out the campaign forms on The Campaign Registry site ensures compliance. This includes attaching multiple pictures of what the texts will look like and what keywords they’ll be using. 

💡All activities involving sending SMS are considered a campaign, even if it’s used for internal communications, confirming appointments, or customer service.

Opt-Ins and opt-outs 

A huge component of compliance is to show that the people you are messaging have consented to getting texts from you, and can choose to stop getting texts at any time. This is required by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. In order to prove this, you may need to include photos of where opt-ins are obtained and proof of opt-outs.

There are several types of opt-ins that you can consider:

Simple SMS Opt-In: The recipient agrees one time before they start receiving texts. 

For example, when online shopping, you hit a checkbox that says “Yes, text me with exclusive deals”. Then, a few days later, you start getting texts about promotions and sales from that retailer.

Double SMS Opt-in: This adds an extra step to the simple opt-in, with the first message asking for them to ‘Agree’ or ‘continue’ getting messages. 

For example, when online shopping, you hit a checkbox that says “Yes, text me with exclusive deals”. Then, you receive a text moments later, saying “Latest deals from your favorite store! Reply AGREE to learn more”. When you reply “AGREE”, exclusive deals start being messaged to you. 

Soft SMS Opt-in: This method uses soft cues to assume opt-in. Once a retailer has a number to reach you from part of their purchase process, or otherwise, they start messaging you. 

For example, when you purchase something from an online store, you give them your cell number with your shipping information. Suddenly, they start messaging you. At no point did you explicitly sign up for these texts.  

💡As long as there is an opt-out clearly stated, soft opt-ins are technically legal for compliance. However, soft opt-ins are not best practice because they can damage brand image and create frustration for message recipients.  

Opt-outs: As you send messages, it’s important to give your recipients a way to stop receiving them. Even if a customer agrees to let you message them with an opt-in, they can always change their mind – and you need to make it easy for them to do so.

Add it to the text message: The most common opt-out method is to let consumers respond to the SMS with the text “STOP”. This is considered best practice because it is simple and makes it easy for users. 

Other ways of opt-out: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) states that customers must be able to opt-out through “any reasonable means.” This could be a phone call, a text message, a web form, etc. – as long as it's not too complicated for the user.

💡Make it clear how a customer can opt-out, and when they send an opt-out request, make sure you acknowledge it. 

‍While there is a lot to keep in mind when it comes to following 10DLC guidelines, we hope that these steps make it easier for you to register and stay compliant with your messaging. SMS is a great way to reach customers and prospects directly, and it is one of the most effective communication tools out there. Happy messaging! 

‍If you are interested in learning more about SmartMoving & 10DLC regulations reach out to us here.