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Beyond the Hype: 7 Real AI Use Cases for Moving Companies


From a frivolous chatbot to a go-to tool for getting stuff done, 250 million people worldwide are using AI, and that number is expected to almost triple by the end of the decade. 

But despite the seemingly high adoption rate, research shows that many companies are struggling to prove ROI on their investments in AI, with Gartner predicting a 30% abandonment rate for generative AI projects. 

If you’ve been experimenting with AI for your moving business, but haven’t been able to pin down any real value from it yet, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re looking at practical ways to get more value from AI.

7 practical ways to get more out of AI

Despite its huge potential, companies across a range of industries struggle to get real value from AI. However, some have reported revenue increases of up to 6% from AI adoption.

So, how can you make sure you’re among the proud few actively getting the most AI has to offer? Here are a few core use cases to get you started, plus prompt suggestions to help you get the results you’re looking for.

1. Update your sales scripts

Using generative AI tools like ChatGPT to update your moving company sales scripts can be a great way to experience your first quick win with AI.

Here are some prompts to try:

  • Create a follow-up email script customized for [PROSPECT NAME] who I’ve just had a call with and is now ready to book their move. More details about the prospect below. 
  • Write a sales pitch for a moving company that targets corporate clients in [LOCATION], emphasizing efficient office relocations, minimal downtime, and comprehensive moving packages. [Include more details about your company to get a customized template].
  • Create an outbound email template for a moving company offering specialized services, like fragile item handling and long-distance moves. Emphasize a focus on professionalism and care.
  • Create a conversational sales script template for a moving company that emphasizes a personalized approach, highlighting how the company tailors its services to each customer's needs.

Tell the AI to update and adjust the scripts as needed to better reflect your unique culture and brand. 

For example, if the initial output feels too formal, you can follow up with a simple: Make it more conversational. If you want to customize your scripts, include specific company details, like year founded, what makes you different as a company, what’s unique about your pricing, services, etc.

The great thing about generative AI is that it can be trained. By layering your prompts to move the AI closer and closer to a quality end product, you also train it to understand your unique voice and differentiators.

2. Generate responses to customer reviews

You already know you need to reply to each and every customer review that comes in, but sometimes, it can be hard to know exactly what to say.

The following prompts can help you generate responses faster using AI: 

  • Generate a professional and appreciative response to a 5-star customer review. Highlight how the moving company values customer satisfaction and teamwork. Keep your answer under 100 words.
  • Create a thoughtful response to a review where the customer mentioned issues with damaged items during the move, apologizing for the inconvenience and offering to discuss further compensation or resolution.
  • Create a warm and enthusiastic response to a positive review from a returning customer, thanking them for their loyalty and trust..
  • Write a polite and understanding response to a negative review where the customer was dissatisfied with the timing of the move. Offer an apology and a resolution.

Not only are more reviews great for SEO, companies like 2 College Brothers have been known to generate up to 50% of their leads exclusively from reviews. “From the sales call to the confirmation call with operations, we’re telling customers every step of the way, ‘Our goal is to make you a five-star raving fan,’” explains founder Wade Swikle.

With the right tools and prompts, AI can become your digital sidekick for creating a five-star customer experience from beginning to end.

👉 Manage all your reviews from one convenient inbox. Get notified of every new review and draft professional replies in minutes using templates and AI-generated suggestions offered inside SmartMoving. See how it works in this recorded demo.

3. Offer quick customer support

If you’ve been thinking about launching a live customer support bot on your site, now could be the time. According to data, 53% of consumers have interacted with an AI chatbot for customer service in the last 12 months, and despite the bad rap, 91% of people say they don’t hate them.

Here are a few customer service conversation starters to try out: 

  • Hi there! Are you looking for a quick quote for your upcoming move? I can guide you through the process in just a few minutes...
  • Need help planning your move? Let me know your moving date and location, and I’ll provide you with some tailored options to make it easier.
  • It looks like you're browsing our service packages. Would you like help choosing the best one for your needs?
  • Hello! If you’re concerned about fragile items or special requests for your move, I can explain how we handle those with care and precision.

Keep in mind, AI chatbots should always be combined with real human support, especially when a customer wants to resolve a serious issue (according to research, 85% of consumers say their problems usually need to be solved by a human customer service rep). 

However, AI chatbots can help customers get to a resolution faster, while saving you a ton of time answering questions that have already been answered on your website

4. Fuel your marketing emails

According to our annual State of Moving Industry report, 56% of movers struggle with marketing. Interestingly, the report also found that top-performing companies invest a significant percentage of their revenue in marketing. 

With AI tools like Gemini, Claude, and ChatGPT, you can level up your marketing and boost your revenue for free. 

Here are prompts to help you get more out of your marketing with a little help from AI: 

  • Create a promotional email for a moving company offering a limited-time discount on local and long-distance moves, highlighting customer reviews and successful relocations.
  • Write a customer-focused email promoting a moving company’s referral program, encouraging past clients to refer friends and family for special rewards or discounts.
  • Create a follow-up marketing email for a moving company to send to potential clients who requested a quote but haven’t booked yet. Offer an exclusive discount and highlight the company’s reliability.

When it comes to AI and moving company marketing, you don’t have to stop at emails. AI can help fire up other marketing channels that need a constant supply of content to be successful, like your blog and social media platforms.

On that note, why not use AI to...

5. Draft social media posts

In today’s digital age, it’s not easy to stand out on social media. AI can help you craft eye-catching social media content to uplevel your consistency and engagement — without investing time you don’t have.

Try the following prompts for social posts that you can rapidly tweak and publish:

  • Write a catchy caption about [topic]. Try to play with words to make it fun, ask users questions, use relevant emojis, and add 3 hashtags in the end.
  • Write 5 variations of Instagram captions for [service]. Use friendly language that appeals to [audience].
  • Generate compelling social media post ideas. Base your ideas on trending topics related to moving long distance.
  • Analyze engagement metrics for past posts. Recommend optimal posting times and content formats.
  • Create personalized social media messages for customers relocating to a new city.
  • Identify relevant hashtags for families looking for professional moving services.

With help from AI to streamline and optimize your content creation, you can stay consistent on social media and position your moving company as one that can be trusted.

6. Conduct a sentiment analysis

Perhaps one of the coolest things AI can do for busy moving company owners is to run a live sentiment analysis on their team’s phone calls and alert them in real-time any time it detects negative sentiment.

Before you launch a full-blown solution, you can dip a toe in the water using the following prompts:

  • Analyze the transcription of this sales call and highlight any positive or negative sentiments expressed by the customer.
  • Analyze the emotions detected in this conversation between our sales rep and the customer. Are there any specific emotional cues that stand out?
  • Summarize the main points discussed in this sales call and highlight any sentiments expressed by the customer. What are the key takeaways in terms of customer satisfaction?
  • Provide real-time suggestions for our sales rep based on the sentiment analysis of this ongoing call. How can the sales rep adjust their approach to improve the customer interaction?
  • Analyze the customer feedback we've received from surveys and reviews. What are the common sentiments expressed by customers regarding our sales process, and how can we improve based on this feedback?

By taking the helicopter-view of the overall landscape of your customer conversations, you can add real examples and insights into your sales coaching without singling anyone out.

7. Close gaps in training and onboarding

If you want to go far, you’ve got to have a powerful team behind you. But it’s not easy to attract and retain those “unicorn” team players.

By taking time to periodically update your training materials, you can make sure new team members are 100% ready to wow your customers with a high-quality moving experience.

Here are some prompts you can use to update your training materials: 

  • Develop a detailed onboarding presentation for a moving company that introduces company culture, team roles, and expectations for performance and professionalism.
  • Create a scenario-based training exercise for a moving company to help new employees handle challenging situations, like dealing with difficult customers or managing last-minute schedule changes.
  • Create a comprehensive training guide for new employees at our moving company, focusing on safety protocols, proper handling techniques, and customer service best practices. Use the below information as your reference material.
  • Write a training module for a moving company that teaches employees how to efficiently pack, load, and transport fragile items while minimizing damage and ensuring customer satisfaction.

With some tools, you can feed AI information about your moving business and train it to be able to regularly update your moving company’s standard operating procedures (SOPs), checklists, and team materials based on that information. 

Just be sure to avoid the shiny object syndrome with new tools and stick to solutions that align with where you are today in terms of budget and team size.

Start getting real wins with AI

AI has often been called a solution in search of a problem. But with the right mindset and the right prompts, you can be among the first to turn early experiments into big wins.

As with any emerging technology, remember to set aside time to test, set clear guardrails for when AI should and shouldn’t be used, and document the best prompts, use cases, and tools delivering real gains to your business.

With an intentional approach, you’ll be able to get more out of AI now and in the future.

At SmartMoving, our mission is to help moving company owners and their teams live better lives. With software that boosts profitability and streamlines operations, you'll spend less time working like a dog and more time doing things you love.

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